Sunday School During Church for Ages 3 to 10
Our children, ages 3-10 will have Sunday Church School classes during the 10:30 am church service. After the beginning of the church service, the children will go to their group-graded classes for a great time together (about 35 minutes from the time after the children's sermon to communion time). The students will return for "Jesus bread" at communion time and will remain with their families until the conclusion of service.
We are currently using the lectionary-based curriculum put out by Augsburg Fortress called “Whirl." Children and adults find these lessons to be meaningful and wonderful compliments to the children’s sermon time.
Middle and High Schoolers - 9:15 am
Middle and high schoolers will gather in the Youth Room for discussion and Bible study.
Adult Discussion Group - 9:15 am
The Adult Bible study group, gathering weekly in the Makolin Lounge, is facilitated by members of the class on a rotating basis and look at ways to correlate the lectionary readings for the day with current events and spiritual journeys. It is a time that is special to participants in the class; each class session opens with a prayer concern sharing. The group sometimes takes on outreach activities that help folks in the greater community.
Please join us for learning more about Christ and his life, ministry, sacrifice and his way for us at St. Benjamin's!