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Our Mission Statement


St. Benjamin’s Evangelical Lutheran church, is confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is called together through baptism, nourished by the Lord’s supper; anointed and sustained by the Holy Spirit; and guided by the power of the Holy Scriptures. We will strengthen and encourage growth in faith and Christ-like love to our church congregation, our community, and the world, through teaching, friendship, care, and compassion.


​This Week in Our Parish​​

Sunday - February 23
No Regular Worship Services at St. Ben's
We will be worshiping and celebrating Pastor David's
retirement at Carroll Lutheran Village - Krug Chapel at 3:00 pm
​​We will live stream the 10:30 am service via YouTube.
Sunday School will be held for the children in the
Fellowship Hall during the 10:30 am service.
Please join us!  Thank you and stay safe!​

Save the Date

Pastor David's Last Worship at St. Ben's

Sunday, March 2 - Unified Service - 10:30 am

Special Reception to Follow


St. Benjamin’s Lutheran Church is a growing congregation dedicated to becoming more present in discipleship to its neighbors. A Fellowship Hall, open to the community for group meetings, picnics and events, sits on a three-acre grass lawn with a shaded pavilion, a tree-lined drive, meditation gardens, both toddler and big kid playgrounds, and plenty of parking. Please click on the image below to see more information about our event space.

Event space (3).jpg
We matter to each other.
We matter to the community.
We're open to the neighborhood.
Come check us out!​
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